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Thursday, May 26, 2011

The most Amazing artist. The Creator of every living thing.

Most of us love to "people watch", right? Well, as I sat back in Cabo, and "people watched," I started thinking of how God created everything unique and different. From human beings and personalities, to flowers and trees, there's nothing exactly the same. Wow! This blew me away. I shamefully never really pondered on just how creative my God is. He's what you call an artist.

My sister and I are identical twins. We look alike, but of course, not exact. We have different likes and dislikes. What motivates her doesn't me, and what motivates me doesn't her. We have similar personalities but not exact. We balance each other out. I've always been a little bit more outgoing to her being a bit more timid. I've always made her go first in changing a hairstlye or riding a ride, then I would decide if I could go for it. She's a bit more daring. Seems ironic since she's the one a little more timid right?! I am 1 minute older, so God created me to be motherly. Ha! She hated it and still does. ;) I was created that way from birth though!

It's really mind blowing thinking about how there's no 2 things the exact same. He created us All unique and in His image. He blessed us All with special gifts. That's right. We all have a gift that God gave us to use, but to bring glory to His name.

We have different passions, goals, dreams, and ambitions. And whatever yours is , search it out to bring His Name glory by using it.

Satan comes to kill, steal, and destroy. And you might hear him telling you that you have no gift to use, but I challenge you all to pray hard about your God given gifts and use them. I've been there, hearing satan lie saying I have no gifts and he's even used others to put discouragement in my mind. I've learned so much over the past few months. And the #1 thing I can tell you is keep God first, and at the center of everything your walking through. He will bless, and honor your Trust in Him. Allow your life to touch someone else's.

For His Glory!!!

Love, MiGis
Misti and Ginger


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